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"Experience the beauty and complexity of life through my art"

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"Investing as an artist time to reflect on impressions in my studio is important to me in order to feel the essence of the now and the potential for transformation."

"My works are characterized by the fact that I usually create them with a small color palette. This gives them a certain depth and also underlines the underlying structure and orientation that I see and reveal in everything."

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"When I work on my Infinity series, the most enjoyable part begins when the acrylic tiles are ready and I can experiment with different combinations of sizes, patterns and colors. Every time I come across a new combination, I ask myself, "What is the best combination of my Infinity acrylic tiles?"

I realize there may be no definitive answer to this question, aside from the possibility that I may not have taken a perfect photo of a combination. This thought leads me to another question: What does the artwork itself represent?

Is it the wooden board that holds the colored acrylic tiles, or is it the photograph of the arrangement taken at that moment that also represents its transformation into a new visual form? I suspect that it will take some time to definitively answer this question for me, as it is not an easy one to answer.

But back to the initial question: "How do I determine the best combination?" It is important for me to have a clear understanding of the ultimate goal for a particular combination in mind. This allows for the highest potential for successful combinations. For example, I have to clarify whether I intend to leave it as a stand-alone contemporary work or include additional works and tiles to create a larger wall installation. To do this, I create my picture gallery of curated art in my studio."

Further insights into my life as an artist...

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